Ugh! On SMO I always thought some of those women were goofy for going grazy during the 2 week wait for their beta numbers.
LOL Now I am one of them and it's a bit tense. More tense that I thought it was going to be. It's like, they put a baby in you to grow and you wanna know if it's growing and if there's more than one. Wondering what your numbers will be and so much more.
And seriously...these PIO shots are a bit much. And if this emby attaches, I have 14 more weeks of it.
Daily shots of this stuff. Ugh...
Anyway, I am going to take a HPT tomorrow (Friday) which will be 4dp5dt and probably every day until my beta on Nov. 30th. I hope to get a good number for Nicole, as it is her Birthday! What a great gift to give someone right? I'm praying for positive pregnancy test at least by Sunday, could always be a late implanter or I could be a non HCG on the pee stick producer lol who knows.
Anyway, it's also Thanksgiving and I want to tell anyone who reads Happy Turkey Day!
Don't give up hope!